Browsing TagPerl

Authenticate Users

This snippet could authenticate users using their /etc/passwd or /etc/shadow entry. May have to run this with higher than normal privilege:

#!/usr/bin/env perl

print "Username: ";
chomp($uname = <stdin>);

$pwd = (getpwnam($uname))[1]; # get the user's pwd
die "invalid usern" unless defined $pwd and length $pwd;
$salt = substr($pwd, 0, 2);

system "stty -echo";
print "Password: ";
chomp($word = <stdin>);
print "n";
system "stty echo";

if (crypt($word, $salt) ne $pwd) {
    die "Sorry...n";
} else {
    print "okn";

Quick Command Line Arg parsing

To parse command line arguments passed to a script without using a module, parse @ARGV with the following:

foreach my $arg (@ARGV) {
    $a = 1, next if $arg eq '-a';
    $b = 1, next if $arg eq '-b';
    $c = 1, next if $arg eq '-c';

Note: This is good only for boolean (on/off) command line switches.

Debugging CGI Using ptkdb

ptkdb is a graphical Perl debugger. To use it when debugging command line scripts is very straight forward. Just type in the command line:

perl -d:ptkdb

and you’re good to go.

However, using it to debug CGIs needs some tweaking to your CGI source. Replace the usual


line at the top of the CGI script with this one:

#!/usr/bin/perl -d:ptkdb

Go to your browser and invoke your CGI and a debugger window should pop up.

CGI To Display Module Documentation

Here’s a CGI to display a module’s POD. The module has to be in the $INC. This is great for providing documentation to internal modules.

# save this as showdoc.cgi
use strict;

use Pod::Html;
use CGI;
use CGI::Carp qw(fatalsToBrowser);

# Send out the header
print "Content-type: text/html", "nn";

my $q = new CGI;

my $module = $q->param('module');
require $module;

$| = 1;

chdir ("/tmp");

my $fullpath = $INC{$module}
    or die "$module not found";

pod2html("--infile=$fullpath", "--flush");

# Clean up the junk left by pod2html

To use this, say you want to view POD for Data::Dumper:
